We value our patients’ experience at Family Chiropractic Clinic of Saginaw, PLC. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free  Acrobat Readere to view.

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I started with foot pain in 2010. I found out I had flat feet and fallen arches. I had extreme pain and could not put pressure on my feet. Everyday life was painful! At that time I chose to try inserts from Dr. Scholl’s and they worked for a while. I also went to the VA and they fit me with support inserts.

I was traveling and had a long walk at Detroit airport and was in such pain after that I could not walk for 6 weeks. I would need get a wheelchair when traveling to and from Arizona to get through the airport.

I saw an ad that Dr. Collier had put in a local paper for a technique called Graston. I found immediate releif of soreness and pain, and it was easier to walk after a few treatments with Dr Collier. I thank God for sending her to me! I will continue treatment forever and ever.

Tom Hammond

Dr. Finch has truly been a lifesaver. For many years I tried several pain management routes and nothing worked. That was until I decided to give chiro a try. In just one session I was relieved. My 11 year old and I both now look forward to seeing Dr. Finch and his friendly staff. My only regret is not walking into his office sooner. I now can do things I never thought my body would allow again.

Dana A.

Dr. Finch is the best! He does an excellent job! He cares about his patients and takes his time with you, finding out what “hurts” and finds the best ways to treat and help you.

Kurt Phibbs